Monday, November 10, 2008

Thank you veterans!

A GIANT thank you to ALL the veterans out there who have served this great country. Thank you for all you sacrificed, the burdens you carried, the life changes you made, and the lives you protected.
I want to specifically thank those I know of personally.
Charles Stockton and Butch Stockton,
Carl F. Klahn, Wes Klahn, Susie & Jimmie Lott
John F. Schiman and Jerry Schiman,
David Schmidt, Dustin Schmidt, and Otto Schmidt
Ian Tate and Kristopher Tate,
Dave Cook, Jeff Elliot & Gerald,
Jeff Kuxhausen, Joshua Thompson,
and Matt Squires.
If you were not listed know that it was unintended oversight only and that a gratitude prayer was said for you tonight.


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