Sunday, August 17, 2008


Since I last wrote I have been watching Olympics non-stop.  That is absolutely all that is on our TV.  I think Noah is tired of them because he keeps saying.... "lympics ober mommy".  At night I find that I'm sooo tired, but just can't turn off the TV.  I figure I'm only losing about an hour of sleep per night - not too bad.

To keep you up on events since I last wrote.
  • I stubbed my barely-there baby toe and broke it.  YIKES THAT HURT!!!
  • JD stubbed a toe on a fan 2 days later and cut the tip off of it. YOW-ZA!!
  • Noah developed and maintained a head to toe rash.  Two trips to the Doc and a lot of benadryl later we suspect yard spray to be the cause.  Poor guy put up with it for about 2 full weeks.
  • Kids stayed with Aunt Shannon while we went to see Jack Johnson in concert.  Which was absolutely a great time.  Thanks sister for managing the chaos so I could have some fun!!
  • Hannah laughs out loud in response to a little tickle on the neck.
Today I'm grateful for a husband who has such a creative mind, a vision for new endeavors, and an incredible passion for the things he's involved in. 


Anonymous said...

Consider me an Olympaholic too! The other day, Kailey was trying to get me to come inside so she said, "The Olympics are on and it's Michael Phelps." Ha! Smart little stinker...

Kathryn Maberry said...

We've been crazy about the "lympics" at our house too. I woke Joy up the other night when I was hooping and hollering for Michael Phelps. He jumped like he had been shot - it was hilarious!

Today, I am thankful for the peaceful sound of my wind chimes in the light breeze outside my window.

Ang said...

"lympics" have been going non stop at our house too! Emily wants one of those "necklaces". JACK JOHNSON??? I love JACK JOHNSON! Lucky you! And, no more trauma or rashes in your house. Time for a break eh? Post more "laugh out loud" stories. Those are the best.