Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Drama

We were driving home from the park on Sunday and saw some cop cars blocking one portion of our street.  Being the normal curious neighbor we stopped and asked other on lookers what the story was - no one had clear cut answers.  It's not very often that drama is happening and we don't have the inside scoop!  JD hears the police say "get down, down on the ground".  Ordeal over right?  Not so much.
It was still going on after midnight - some dude tried to burglarize a home, got caught, ran to a neighboring home as the police were there (that's what JD heard), ended up baracaded in home number 2 FOR-EVER.  Didn't even hear anything about it on the news today (due to Gustav coverage).

Today I'm thankful for......
Our family's safety (in this ever so crazy world) and a great guard dog.
Fun in the back yard and Jell-O Heaven =)


Kathryn Maberry said...

Min - I read the article in the Springfield newspaper about your neighborhood excitement. Did you know the guy was NAKED? Whoa!

Today, I am thankful for the sound of gentle rain.

Anonymous said...

Darn, klm beat me to it. A student of mine also informed me the guy was naked. What a strange world...